June 29, 2023

I want to wish everyone a good morning. It is so rare that I ever see a headline in the Baltimore Sun that I agree with, but this morning's news that Maryland Governor Wes Moore wants to eliminate the automatic gas tax comes as a pleasant surprise.

From the Baltimore Sun: Ahead of a five-cent hike Saturday in the state's gas tax, Democratic Gov. Wes Moore is calling on the Maryland General Assembly to address the state's automatic increases, which he said are harmful to the financial bottom lines of working-class families, when it reconvenes in January.

"If my mom, when she was working multiple jobs and out of nowhere, she watched her gas tax increase — for many people, that's not a big deal, but that would've been a big deal for my mom, and I just feel like we've got to do better for working families in the state of Maryland," Moore said during an interview Tuesday with The Baltimore Sun.

couldn't agree more with Governor Wes Moore. The automatic gas tax increase is a hardship on working families and disproportional impacts rural area constituents. Since it was passed into law 10 short years ago, the law automatically raises the gas tax as the consumer price index (CPI) increases. The automatic gas tax has doubled since 2013, and the gas tax has increased by more than 30% in the last two years. As many of you know, I've been the chief proponent of decoupling the gas tax with CPI and offered this as an amendment on the House floor this year.(38-90) I would like to offer up the idea of having a one-day special session now.  Let's correct this problem today as I have written this legislation, as I was the lead sponsor for this bill last legislative session. Here is a link to my bill:

I hope that Annapolis Democrats do not use this as an opportunity to sneak a new tax onto the citizens of Maryland. It would be a shame and a bad look for a Democratic Governor to come out in support of a relatively simple idea of decoupling the gas tax from CPI only to have his own party implement a vehicle mileage tax under the false promise of fairness. A new tax would only worsen things for working families and add to the difficulties Maryland residents face, especially those living in rural areas.

This is an excellent example of what I have repeatedly said over the last several years. Constituents, especially those in the red areas of Maryland, must start fixing our state's problems from the outside.  Indeed, Governor Moore did not campaign on cutting the gas tax, but after six short months in office, that's what he is proposing because constituents are applying public pressure.  The silent majority needs to keep speaking out.  Maryland is a great and beautiful state. Most problems people complain about in Maryland center around the state's politics. It would be better for all of us if we came together and corrected the fundamental problem of Maryland—our state's politics. 

I will follow up on this great news with a letter to the governor's office.

I look forward to working with Governor Moore on this historic bipartisan accomplishment.

Warm regards,

Delegate Matt Morgan

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June 23, 2023

This headline summarizes another tax increase from Annapolis, but more information must be shared. I want to provide some context.

Over the last two years, the gas tax rate has increased by 30%. In 2013, the extremists in Annapolis passed the first increase in the gas tax in more than two decades, which included an automatic increase every year tied to the Consumer Price Index - CPI - or inflation. As of this July 1st, the total state gas tax will go up to 47.8 cents per gallon, making Maryland the fourth-highest fuel tax in the nation.  It is simply infuriating to see politicians raise taxes year after year without having to justify the need for the tax increase or even to have a recorded vote on it.

The chart below shows the historical amounts of the gas tax. It is interesting to note that the Maryland gas tax has doubled since 2013.  It has increased as much in the last decade (2013 to today) as in the previous 91 years (1912-2013) combined.  This is unsustainable.

I have continued introducing a bill and offering amendments from the House floor to correct this problem and stop those automatic increases. My amendment last session would have saved Maryland motorists from an estimated $62.5 million tax increase this year alone and $570 million over the next five years.

On a side note, it is disappointing to see some Republicans vote against stopping an automatic tax increase. You would think this is the one thing Republicans could unite on,


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June 15, 2023

s many of you already know, our community is deeply saddened by the passing of my friend and former Maryland State Delegate, Johnny Wood. He was a true pillar of our community, and many will indeed feel his loss. Johnny was a dedicated public servant with an unwavering commitment to improving the lives of Marylanders.

Johnny's contributions to our state were many and varied. Early in his career, he fought to increase funding for local schools and expand access to affordable healthcare for all Marylanders. Later, he was instrumental in securing additional resources for our state's first responders and law enforcement officials. Throughout his time in office, Johnny stood up for what he believed in and fought for the common good.

Beyond his public service, Johnny was a dear friend to many. His warm smile, infectious laugh, and kind heart endeared him to everyone who knew him. He was always willing to lend a helping hand, offer encouragement, and support the causes he believed in.

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June 13, 2023

During the Legislative session, my primary email focus is to get you as much information regarding legislation in real-time. One email I did not send out to the District 29 residents of Northern St. Mary's County during the legislative session was the scoring of Maryland Legislators by The American Conservative Union, better known as CPAC. In the spring of every year, CPAC typically releases its scorecards of votes made in the General Assembly from the previous year.

CPAC is a nationally recognized and reputable organization that evaluates lawmakers' voting performances from a Conservative perspective. The scorecard is crucial since it displays voting consistency and thoroughly evaluates amended bills, making it the most comprehensive report card available.It is especially significant for "Red Area" voters of our state because it scores the principles, beliefs, and values our voters want their elected officials to uphold. I am well aware of the frustration of Republican voters because many elected officials tend to make false promises to drive a local image, but once elected; they vote contrary to what they promised. Therefore, the scorecard accurately accounts for their actions rather than relying solely on their campaign statements. Below are the rankings of all state representatives for Northern St. Mary's - District 29A.

I'm delighted to once again obtain a Gold Star rating from CPAC and the Center for Legislative Accountability. I am proud to say I have once again kept my campaign promises and received a gold star with a 94%.

Suppose you are on my list and live in another area of the state or want more information on what legislation was scored. In that case, I strongly urge you to review their report and find exactly where your representatives stand on critical issues.

MARYLAND SCORECARD Rankings (Web Version)

MARYLAND SCORECARD Full Packet and legislation (PDF Version)

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May 19, 2023

Self-defense is an inalienable right handed down by God, and it is the natural right of every living being. For women, a firearm can offer them protection from a much stronger physical attacker. I want to thank my friend Susannah Kipke for stepping up and having the courage to be the lead plaintiff in the NRA's lawsuit against Governor Wes Moore over the recently passed and blatantly unconstitutional Senate Bill 1. SB1 is the Left's new de facto concealed carry ban in Maryland. Thank you again, Susannah. I know you will be a great spokesperson for our cause and a staunch supporter of the right to bear arms! #StandWithSusannah

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May 18, 2023

Press Release and a corresponding letter to Baltimore City Mayor Scott and Police Commissioner Harrison on Baltimore City's lawsuit on auto thefts.  

Baltimore City Auto Thefts at All-Time High

Maryland Legislators Urge City to Do More Than Join Lawsuit Against Hyundai

BALTIMORE, MD – Prominent conservative Republican legislators have issued a letter to Mayor Scott and Commissioner Harrison of Baltimore City in response to the recent lawsuit against Hyundai and Kai due to their vehicles' alleged susceptibility to theft.

"If the City is going to hold car manufacturers responsible for car thefts, they must also send a clear message that Baltimore City will not tolerate carjackings or auto theft and that those who commit these crimes will be held accountable," said Delegate Matt Morgan. 

"The fatherless capital of the USA is blaming auto manufacturers for car thefts in Baltimore." said former Baltimore resident Delegate Mark Fisher. "Based on the police crime data, I'd suggest a plan that focuses on the root cause of crime rather than laying the blame on car manufacturers.

According to data from the Baltimore Police Department, there have been 2,200 auto thefts and 159 carjackings in the 5½ months of this year. Last year, there were 2,473 auto thefts, but only 397 arrests were made, and only 7 led to a guilty prosecution

The legislators are asking that Baltimore City not just focus on creating awareness and helping people protect their vehicles but also invest in better technology and other strategies to ensure criminals are caught and prosecuted appropriately. The legislators stand ready to support any legislation needed in the upcoming legislative session to get more criminals apprehended, prosecuted, and incarcerated when they engage in carjackings or auto theft. 

"We hear from so many citizens across the state that they are fearful of visiting Baltimore City because of crime and auto thefts," said Delegate Lauren Arikan. "We are ready to help Baltimore City address the crime crisis and urge the Mayor and Police Commissioner to make Baltimore City safe for the residents and visitors." ​


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May 08, 2023

Every dollar state and local government spends is a dollar it needs to collect from its citizens via taxes. This basic concept reiterates that, unlike the federal government, which can print money, state and local governments must rely on tax dollars to pay for debt services. Therefore, I am deeply saddened that my consistent warnings of excessive government spending resulting in tax increases are being ignored.

Last Tuesday, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Mary's implemented a new excise tax in exchange for an impact fee for new home construction. The implementation of the new excise tax was promised to be revenue neutral. However, 3 of the 5 County Commissioners used it as an opportunity to grab revenue. Commissioners Hewitt, Guy, and Ostrow voted in favor of the new tax, leaving only Commissioners Colvin and Alderson against it. As a result, the new excise tax for St. Mary's County will result in a nearly $4 million tax on the private sector, including small businesses looking to expand. This decision comes less than six months after an election in which the same three county commissioners voting in favor of the new proposal promised not to raise taxes.

I thank Commissioner Eric Covin for his leadership and defense against raising this tax. He was very articulate and made several reasonable, fiscally conservative, and logical arguments during the discussion. Commissioner Covin did a great job. I encourage everyone interested in this topic to watch the short video snippet from last week's voting session during the County Commissioners' meeting and decide for yourself. I find the conversation fascinating.

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Delegate Matt Morgan
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