February 07, 2021

This week the House will come together to vote on Governor Hogan's vetoes from last year's legislative session.

Democrats are looking to create several new taxes, all of which would be bad for Marylanders.

HB 932- Digital downloads and streaming services sales tax.

HB 932 will require a sales tax on digital content and streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video. I remain against this bill, because now more than ever, Maryland citizens can't afford additional tax burdens. The Covid emergency has hit us hard and continue to do so- this additional fleecing must not be allowed.  This new tax takes an estimated $120 million out of private citizens' hands and moves it into government coffers.  I will vote NO to this bill again by voting to sustain the Governor's veto.

HB 732-Tobacco/ e cigarette and Digital advertising tax

HB 732 adds taxes on e-cigarettes and vaping products, as well as a tax on digital advertising – to the tune of $250 million.

With businesses still struggling to remain open while being severely restricted by the pandemic shutdowns, it's hard to imagine why adding an additional financial burden at this time is a good idea.  Now is not the time to make Maryland more expensive for citizens and businesses.  I will vote NO to this bill again by voting to sustain the Governor's veto.

HB 1300-Kirwan spending bill (the Blueprint for Education)

HB 1300- otherwise known as the Kirwan Education Spending Bill is the single most costly legislation ever considered by the Maryland General Assembly.   

Maryland counties have said that they cannot afford the billions of dollars in spending mandated by the Kirwan Commission's recommendations. It was passed the last session under secrecy, while most of the State was focused on the pandemic threat.

I voted no to this bill last year because while I want the best public education system possible, this entire bill does little to address the real problems with public education.  There is very little oversight or mechanism to prevent failing schools, despite the money spent.  There is nothing substantial to address disruptive students in the classroom. The bill does not empower the parents to make choices for their children's education.  Basically, the bill is a giant payoff to the Teacher's Union who has spent millions of dollars lobbying legislators to advance the bill. 

I will vote NO to this bill again by voting to sustain the Governor's veto.

During the election, many Democrats promised to work with Governor Hogan in bipartisanship, yet now are poised to overturn 30 of the Governor's vetoes!

Below is the entire list. If you have any questions about any of these, please feel free to contact my office.

HB 732



Tobacco/E-cigarette and Digital Advertising Taxes (W&M)

HB 4



Long Guns – Restrictions on Sales, Rentals and Transfers (JUD)

HB 932



Digital Downloads and Streaming Services – Sales Tax (W&M)


HB 86 Korman


Metro/Transit Funding Act (APP)

HB 1300



Blueprint for Maryland's Future (APP & WM)


SB 300



Chlorpyrifos Prohibition and Pesticide Transition Fund (ENT)

HB 1095



Prescription Drug Affordability Board and Fund (HGO)


HB 1336



4th-Degree Burglary – Expungement Eligibility and Case Search Changes (JUD)


SB 314


Records Confidentiality – Juveniles Charged as Adults (JUD)


HB 310



UMB Study – Health Effects of Air Traffic Noise (APP)

SB 708


Violence Intervention and Prevention Program – Changes and Funding (APP & JUD)


HB 1658



BSO Funding and Reporting (APP)


SB 452                            


Temporary Cash Assistance -Funding Minimums (APP)


HB 1236



MARC Train – Expanded Service Pilot Program (ENT)


SB 845


Maryland Corps Program Funding (APP)


HB 737



Income Tax Disparity Grants – Enhanced Funding (APP)


HB 1659



MSA Youth Sports Program and Mike Busch Sports Fund (APP)


SB 493


Small Business Development Center Network Funding (APP)


SB 877


Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Authority –Revisions (ECM)


HB 125



BPW Land Acquisition Requirements (HGO)

HB 1121



MD Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorder Registry and Referral System (HGO)


HB 1488



Local Farm Enterprise and Food Aggregation Program (HGO)


SB 796


DDA – Program Changes and Reporting (HGO)


HB 83



Marijuana Possession Charges – Removal from Online Case Search (JUD)


SB 407


OAG – Senior and Vulnerable Adult Asset Recovery Unit (JUD & APP)


SB 907



Maryland State Crime Plan and Law Enforcement Councils (JUD)


SB 929



Baltimore City P.R.O.T.E.C.T. Act

HB 514



Small Business Innovation Research and Tech Transfer Program (W&M)


HB 1000



Library Lifelong Learners / Overdue Fines and Fees Prohibition for Minors (W&M)


SB 465


E-nnovation Program Extension and Changes (W&M)


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Annapolis Office:
Delegate Matt Morgan
House of Delegates
6 Bladen Street, Office 310
Annapolis, MD 21401
1-800-492-7122, ext. 3170

Local Mailing Address:
Delegate Matt Morgan
PO Box 136
Charlotte Hall, MD 20622

Local Appointments Available Upon Request, Call or Email to Schedule Appointment

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