Into the Blue!

Maryland's Legislative Session is set to begin this Wednesday, but yesterday's Capital newspaper headline says it all, "Into the Blue." After overwhelming election wins, Annapolis Democrats feel they have a mandate to push their dystopian ideas.

The sub-headlines should scare everyone. "It's the first time in eight years that Democrats control both legislative chambers and the chief executive's office, and the party's leaders are seeking to wield the increased power as the focus turns to recreational pot, paid leave, and gun control when the General Assembly meets for its fast-paced session beginning Wednesday." Add in woke ideas like banning natural gas in homes, taxpayer-funded transgender affirmation surgery, and spending away the $7 Billion Rainy Day surplus that the previous administration left. You get a well-rounded picture of what Annapolis Democrats have planned for the next 90 days.

The upcoming legislative session will require all of us to be bold and step up. We have lost our ability to hold the majority party accountable with recent Republican losses in Maryland, making citizen engagement more important than ever. I'm committed to keeping you informed of any developments - but it's going take an unprecedented level of involvement from citizens like you to prevent those in power from taking advantage!
