July 31, 2024
Do results matter more than intentions?
For the last two years, poll after poll, the top two issues of concern for the 2024 U.S. presidential election are:
- The Economy
- Illegal Immigration
While we all know the issues and failings of Kamala Harris and the Biden administration regarding border security are well-documented, even after the media has recently attempted to whitewash the situation. However, Vice President Harris's record may be even worse on the inflation front.
The Vice President in 2021 cast the tie-breaking vote on the American Rescue Plan. This $1.9 trillion COVID relief plan came after the pandemic was already over and was the catalyst for skyrocketing inflation.
VP Harris, in 2022, was also the tie-breaking vote on the Inflation Reduction Act. Another trillion dollar bill that, despite the name, was mainly a giveaway to the climate change industry and most likely made inflation worse.
Now, my detractors hate it when I write about national politics. They tell me I should focus on Maryland, so let me bring this back to how it impacts my constituents.
I recently was emailed a report on inflation and want to share it with you.
The Joint Economic Committee in Congress released a report, and the amount of money Marylanders are losing through inflation is staggering. The average Maryland family now spends $1,193 more monthly on the same goods and services as in 2021. This reality hits home for anyone who shops at a grocery store in Maryland.
"The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency." ~ Ernest Hemingway
In conclusion, the economy and immigration are still at the forefront of concerns for the upcoming 2024 U.S. presidential election. While there may be differing opinions on addressing these issues, one thing remains certain—results matter more than intentions.
From Vice President Kamala Harris's record on inflation and border security to its impact on Americans like those in Maryland, tangible actions and outcomes genuinely make a difference.
As we approach the election, let's not forget our responsibility to hold our elected leaders accountable for the results of their policies. It's not just about their intentions, no matter how noble they may seem. It's about the tangible impact on our lives and the future of our nation.
July 02, 2024
I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to send this to you yesterday but ran out of time. I want to bring to your attention a recent fee increase that directly impacts your household finances and disproportionately affects constituents in rural areas. Effective yesterday, July 1st, the vehicle registration fees in Maryland have significantly increased due to a bill unilaterally passed by the Annapolis Democrats and signed into law by Governor Wes Moore.
Details of the Increase
Here’s a breakdown of the new registration fees:
- Sedans (under 3,500 pounds):
- New Fee: $221 every two years
- Increase: 64%
- Small SUVs (between 3,500 and 3,700 pounds):
- New Fee: $241 every two years
- Increase: 79%
- Large SUVs (over 3,700 pounds):
- New Fee: $321 every two years
- Increase: 73%
- Pickup Trucks:
- New Fee Range: $267.50 to $297.50 every two years
- Increase: Up to 84%
Context and Impact
I've heard political operatives use the excuse of increasing taxes to justify increasing education funding. However, this fee was increased to backfill budget holes in the Transportation Trust Fund caused by overspending and over-subsidizing mass transit.
As shown in the MTA’s most recent report, in fiscal 2022, farebox recovery rates for MTA bus, light rail, heavy rail (subway), and commuter rail operating costs were 7%, 6%, 8%, and 8%, respectively. Thus, taxpayers pay the rest.
The details of all transportation tax and fee increases from this past legislative session are here:
The decision to raise vehicle registration by an estimated $168.9 million, combined with 300+ other fee increases (not all but pushed mainly by Democrats), has significantly impacted our household budgets, notably for those who rely on their vehicles for work or essential activities. The increases are not marginal; they are substantial enough to strain the financial resources of many families in our community.
Call to Action
The next legislative session will be here before you know it, and I am concerned that Annapolis Democrats may significantly increase taxes. I strongly encourage you to stay informed about upcoming legislative decisions and voice your concerns. From my experience, politicians are primarily focused on re-election, and their opinions can be influenced by constituents contacting them. Your involvement is crucial in the future.
Stay engaged, stay informed, and let's work together for our area's best interests.
June 24, 2024
Today, I helped author a letter to Governor Moore, signed by myself and 13 other Delegates, urging him to provide additional guidance to local elected officials and law enforcement regarding illegal immigrants with active ICE detainers. We requested that local detention centers notify ICE and provide at least four hours advance notice before releasing a detainee. This small change can significantly enhance the safety of our neighborhoods.
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June 04, 2024
A few weeks ago, during a public speech, I addressed questions from the audience regarding education funding. This topic has become a hot-button issue as the Commissioners of St. Mary's recently increased the county's share of income taxes to the maximum legal limit to provide additional money for education. I also know our neighbors across the river in Calvert County are grappling with a similar decision.
This prompted me to consider the fundamental question: How can we determine when public education is adequately funded?
This fundamental question needs to be answered because we hear calls yearly for more money for public education. Yet, some would say that the school system already receives a huge portion of the budget locally and from the state, and the Board of Education needs to figure out how to live within its means. But which statement is accurate, and what are our other options?
Answering this question has sent me on a research quest. State funding is dependent on full-time enrollment, so I thought I would use a well-known calculation called the "per-pupil" funding amount and compare that amount to private school tuition rates in our area.
The journey to find information
First, I Googled the per-pupil funding amount for St. Mary's County and got numerous old links and a bunch of totals that did not look correct. You will quickly realize this number is not easily accessible. I finally asked the library for the Department of Legislative Services to research it. They sent me the chart below.
With a little more research, I learned that St. Mary's is ranked 11th in state dollars and 15th in county dollars; combined, we rank 21st compared to the rest of the state. The $17,056 per pupil expenditure may place St. Mary's
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May 17, 2024
I am pleased to announce that yesterday, Governor Moore signed HB 676 - Right to Try - Individualized Treatments into law. This groundbreaking legislation removes the artificial government barriers to potentially life-saving treatments. It allows terminally ill patients and those suffering from rare diseases access to experimental treatments and medicines that have not yet been approved by the FDA.
Yesterday, the conservative think tank the Goldwater Institute published an insightful law analysis, which I want to share with you.
Please click the Read More link below:
May 10, 2024
One of the real frustrations for voters in Red areas is this ongoing issue of electing Republicans, hoping for conservative action, only to watch these officials turn around and act like Democrats once in office.
I've seen it with my own eyes. On the campaign trail, I've seen Republican candidates say the right words about fighting to cut taxes and promoting small government policies. Some even have those slogans printed on their signs. Still, once elected, they vote for tax and fee increases and massive government spending, resulting in debt service payments skyrocketing and a higher cost of living for all of us.
They often say the correct words, but living up to their words is a challenge.
I, however, take great pride in voting and following through with my promises.
The American Conservative Union, commonly called CPAC, is a nationally recognized and reputable organization that plays a significant role in the conservative political landscape. Each spring, CPAC releases its scorecards, which are comprehensive evaluations of lawmakers' performance based on their votes on amended legislation in the Maryland General Assembly from the previous year.
CPAC's scorecard offers a vital benchmark for evaluating lawmakers' performance from a Conservative perspective. Their ratings of Maryland, which delve into critical issues like Second Amendment rights, government regulations, and DEI initiatives, are significant. This comprehensive scorecard empowers constituents, clearly assessing how their elected officials align with conservative principles.
This scorecard is a key resource for 'Red Areas' constituents who want to ensure their elected officials represent their conservative values. It also highlights just how unified and far Left the Democratic Party has become.
CPAC recognizes the following members of the Maryland State Legislature for earning CPAC's Award for Conservative Excellence for voting with the conservative position at least 90% of the time during the 2023 session.
Robin Grammer (100%)
Lauren Arikan (97%)
William Valentine (97%)
William Wivell (97%)
Mark Fisher (97%)
Matthew Morgan (94%)
Terry Baker (93%)
Nino Mangione (93%)
Jefferson Ghrist (93%)
Nicholaus Kipke (92%)
Kathy Szeliga (91%)
I'm delighted to be Gold Star rated again, with a 94% score for the second year in a row.
Please take the time to review the CPAC reports to understand how other legislators have fared. This will enable you to make informed decisions about your representatives and ensure their actions align with your values.
See how your Delegate and Senator voted.....
April 26, 2024
The St. Mary's Commissioners held their budget hearing this week. The proposal is to raise the county piggyback income tax to the legal limit of 3.2%. One of my top goals is to keep you well informed, so I put together a tax comparison chart of the three Southern Maryland Counties. These are the CURRENT taxes and rates for each Southern Maryland county.
Let's dig into the tax comparison. St. Mary's County's property tax rate is .85 cents on $ 100 of assessed value, which is often cited as low. However, it's important to note that this isn't a direct comparison with neighboring counties. Each county addresses Fire, Rescue, and support services slightly differently. Additionally, St. Mary's is the only Southern Maryland county that taxes energy and has a substantially higher real estate transfer tax, especially compared to Calvert County, where it doesn't exist.
While it may seem like a small difference, these additional taxes can add up for residents and businesses. It's essential to stay informed about the budget process and how it may affect you and your family's overall tax burden.
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